Dietary Supplement Brand

Update & refresh brand store to improve sales & conversion


Conversion Rate


Average Order Value


Ordered Product Sales


Sponsored Brand Ads Return on Ad Spend

The challenge

This dietary supplement brand didn't have the internal resources to dedicate to optimizing their product pages & brand store. They had not been able to update their brand store in over a year, leading to many products being unavailable for purchase, branding was outdated, and contributing to poor Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) on Sponsored Brand campaigns.

Our solution

At DLVRD, we believe Amazon (and other marketplaces) is your customer acquisition channel. That being said, we believe there's a good shot you're meeting your customer for the first time on Amazon. Your brand store is the only uninterrupted branded experience on the platform and the branding should be duplicative of what you have on your D2C site. We worked with our internal creative team and the brand to build wireframes, and creative assets optimized for the creative limitations Amazon presents and, more importantly, conversion!

Our expertise

We will absorb robust and strict creative guidelines to generate a creative strategy built specifically for Amazon customers. Additionally, we set forth a category & competitor analysis to understand how others are leveraging Amazon's resources through the brand store. DLVRD was able to execution the following:

  • Category & Competitor Research
  • New Creative Asset Construction
  • Branding & Creative Strategy
  • Amazon Brand Store Configuration
  • Mobile & Desktop Customer Experience (CX)

Results Delivered

DLVRD created over 10 new images and implemented branding videos to improve engagement. We built an experience optimized for both mobile and desktop shopping experiences. Upon the first 30 days of publishing the new and improved brand store we saw the following trends when comparing against monthly averages trailing 3 months!


Work With Us

Talk to our leadership team to learn how we can help your brand win on Amazon.